How will automated FSM future-proof the Oil & Gas industry?

Embrace the Culture of Work Optimisation and Service Digitisation!

The dynamics of oil and gas industry are ever changing. They have made it difficult for the companies to realise their business goals. With the unmatched supply and demand cycle, dropped prices, layoffs, reduced investments and lowered productivity levels, the companies cannot imagine a stable future. There are many obstacles. Further, the complexity of the business processes does not allow for mobility. It’s a tricky puzzle to solve!

The categories of oil and gas sector are the upstream, midstream and downstream industry. The upstream industry is also known as the exploration and production (E&P) sector. It involves finding the oil deposits, drill wells, rig operations and managing the initial production processes. The midstream industry forms a chain between the upstream and the downstream sector. It includes transportation and storage of resources. The  downstream industry deals with customer interactions. It involves refineries and plants that market and sells the final product.

It is necessary to streamline supply chain and coordinate all these three sectors with specific oil and gas software. In the first place, it needs to quit the old ways. To be able to meet the demands of the market, the industry needs to reimagine its business processes. Furthermore, this industry should open its arms to the digital disruption. This step will welcome a better future.

Let us explore the impact of using automated oil and gas software-

Enhancing Productivity with Complete Mobility

Digital power is a mandate for this industry. Tailored workforce mobile applications empower them to do more productive work than ever. The mobile apps support all the agile workflows. It streamlines the reporting from the field, checking inventory, auto-routing with GPS, and managing all tasks. The mobile workforce can invest their time and efforts in the actual work. They have a precise idea of their schedule. All task details are available to them on-the-go with oil and gas software.

Extending the functionality, the mobile app also works in the offline mode. The workers can update the status of their job in the absence of the network. It gets synchronised automatically as they enter in the Internet accessible zone. It requires no extra efforts. Thus, work never comes to a halt! Besides that, it helps the company to go green with the paperless approach.

Real-time Data for Informed Decisions

One of the most crucial aspects of the crude oil and gas sector is using the real-time data. The oil and gas software helps the back-office supervisors and field workers to collaborate on the same page. They can gain insights and make better and informed decisions. Data collected on a timely basis also helps in managing assets for an effective outcome. It plays a key role in reducing costs and complying with the environmental and legal norms.

Automating the workflows reduces the scope of manual errors. For example, real-time monitoring helps to schedule the jobs in an optimised way. Consumption patterns can hint a better planning. The supervisors can measure the performance, direct the workforce teams, meet the service level agreements, approve instant requests and gain a complete visibility of the work.

Improved Models of Service Delivery

Digital disruption has opened the door of limitless opportunities for the oil and gas industry. For example, the focus has shifted from reactive maintenance to predictive maintenance. Asset management is leaner. New service delivery models with integrated platform and data boost the business revenues. It holds a single source of truth. Also, with the advent of IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, Augmented Reality and fast networks, the companies can ensure maximum resource utilisation. And that will simplify their working.

Better communication, transparent workflows, seamless coordination, improved customer engagement, centralised management and effortless administration characterise the new-age working. Switching to an automated solution means there will be more ways to market your product. A company can develop more business-centric strategies, mobilise your workforce and increase profitability.

Make a NO-REGRET move!

Over the next decade, it is expected that the value of digital transformation in the oil and gas sector could be between $1.6 to $2.5 trillion for the industry, its customers, and wider society. This again means more use of technology. An automated field service solution can be a game-changer for the oil and gas companies. We are in the era of price commotion and technological advancements. The digital enablement with oil and gas software will bring success in the long run. Given these points, it’s time to go simple and digital. To know more about the bespoke solution, feel free to consult our experts. Join our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn community for more updates.