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It’s always beneficial to flow with the changes. Being one of the leading cloud service providers, we ensure to educate the professionals and decision-makers with the latest trends that could be highly impacting to their business strategies.

This time, we are holding a mini-webinar for the people involved in waste management industry. A chance to learn about the use of Missed Bin Reporting app, benefits of the Waste Crew Mobile Worker app, working with Service Desk module and the overview of Waste Management module.

Also, the webinar will help you to gain insights on how to improve CRM and increase ROI by employing the right solution that reflects all your organisational processes.

We are having different sessions across the month of June. It will be a quick demo, around 15 minutes with a Q&A session but certainly, it will give you a flavour of what we can do to optimise your business operations.

Please feel free to schedule your slot for the webinar as per your availability.

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