5 Ways to Turn Your Field Force Profitable

Successful Sales Techniques for Modern Field Service Businesses

Field service organisations have been undertaking several initiatives to transform their working to achieve profitable, productive and powerful outcomes. The nightmare of higher investment and lower revenues has certainly raised the requirement to make the field workforce more efficient and effective than ever. Although technology is assisting them in the form of mobile workforce management applications and service desk software, magnifying the skills of field engineers can procure some extraordinary benefits to the organisation.

In our last post, we discussed how the right balance of people, process and technology can hit the bull’s eye. Now let us focus on how an organisation can leverage the best of their field service personnel by directing them to be the sales catalysts. Successful sales techniques adopted by service leaders have emphasized on the prime role of field service engineers in promoting sales. It garners new customers and institutes loyal relationships with them.

Enlisting 5 major points to lead your field force gaining a competitive advantage in the sales arena along with providing their usual services:


Training – Prepare them to Perfection

As per the normal convention, a company looks for all the technical expertise in a person while hiring a field service engineer. Fair enough! However, an organisation needs to train, guide and assist them on how they can utilise their technical excellence to market company’s best-in-class services & products. Conduct sales-oriented meetings, web conferences with senior management to express their vision, group conversations between sales & field force to strategize, and let them prepare their plan of action.


Communication – Spread the word with Soft Skills

Your customers have always had a face-to-face interaction and connected with the field service technicians as your representatives. It makes a great deal for the technicians to engage with customers and establish a trust-based relation. The field force visiting customers need to learn to art of connecting, forming a bond and behaving in a friendly way. It should rather come as a natural thing than a typical salesy speech. This presents an opportunity to upsell your services, earn referrals, hear their suggestions and promote your brand.


Technology – Master the Management

A company must facilitate the field force with an appropriate platform that eases their work and allows them to be a maven in their work. Encourage them to use the smart devices and applications to fasten the work processes & achieve more in a day. For instance, instant online help, web catalogs, service brochures, digital sign-ups, pricing, mobile app orders and other features according to the company’s offerings must be incorporated within the application accessible by the workers-on-the-go.


Focus – Mixing Experience and Expectations

Not every technician would like the idea of walking an extra mile to create sales opportunities. It is the responsibility of the manager to make them understand the importance of adding a value to the business. Frame the policies, recognitions, awards and job duties in such a way that it suits their role. Since field service technicians are the people on whom the customers actually trust and rely upon to fix their issues, they can understand their expectations, problems & use their experience to bind them with the company for long term.


Support – Integrating the Information

Coordination between the office team and field force is one of the key factors for success. The attempts made by service technicians should be equally supported and backed up by the concerned team to convert it into a sale. Field personnel can collect all the important details based on their problems, pitch the customer with the relevant solutions, suggest alternatives, ask for the recommendations and feed the information to the system. Next, the sales and support team should be active enough to complete rest of the procedure in a timely manner.

It always works in the favor of the company to blend the technical skills of the field force with the ability to endorse their brand and attract the customers with some additional efforts. However, it should be well-defined, monitored and not come in the way of their actual work profile. A proper understanding of the customers can take you long way to guide the field workforces in endowing their expertise smartly. Connect with us for a detailed and personalised discussion for strategizing your business and adopting these successful sales techniques with mobility parameters. We are also available on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to answer your queries!

Make your move now!

iTouchVision is one of the world’s leading cloud-based service provider with innovation & excellence at its base. The company has made its presence in all business verticals with its technical & operational capabilities to enhance the working of private & public sector organisations. Our products, ranging from Web-based software to Mobile applications have made their mark globally to transform the way work is completed.