Are you committing these field service mistakes?

5 ground-breaking fixes to the epic field service management industry failures!

Field service management industry is the sector with many complications. It involves a distributed field force that requires constant monitoring. Going gets tougher for the service professionals as they need to manage the mobile workforce along with meeting the customer expectations and organisational goals on a shoestring. Still, considering the competition, being exceptional is not an option!

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. – John Powell

Complexity, obscurity and uncertainty describe this challenging field service management industry. Committing mistakes within such a dynamic working environment is not a new thing. You may try hard, yet some gaps remain unfulfilled while achieving service excellence. But, a wise man would always try to learn from his mistakes and experiences. And the next step would be to act on those mistakes and improve things for better performance.

Listing 5 major field service bloopers and their fixes to improvise things radically-

Fiasco #1

If it’s not first, it won’t last.

Let us be honest. Everyone would appreciate getting their issues resolved at the earliest. Delays are always unwelcomed. Still, many organisations of this field service management industry fail to maintain a high first-fix rate. Strictly avoid repeated visits to resolve the same issue or complete the same work. As they say, ‘The First Impression is the Last Impression!’ Make sure that your field workforce creates a lasting impact on the customers by helping them in the first service call itself.

Fix #1

The best way to achieving high first-fix rate is to dispatch jobs with precise details. Knowing the complete customer history and passing the 360-degree information about the task. You can always take the help of smart scheduling software platform. Thus, the technician will be aware of the nature of work, priority, and location. And it will well-align to his schedule.

Fiasco #2

Neglect monitoring, invite suffering.

Managing field workforce is no easy job. In fact, it is quite tricky to extract maximum performance. The key point is to have real-time visibility of your workers’ schedule and activities. Don’t let your business goals and profits suffer due to mishandling of field employees. Being attentive and responsive to the field force is critical. Real-time monitoring ensures there are no white spaces in technician’s schedule. It also alerts you about his safety.

Fix #2

Modern workforce management applications have made it possible to track your field force whilst they’re travelling to different locations. Besides that, you can also dispatch urgent jobs to them by knowing their whereabouts. These apps also guarantee a level of worker safety with advanced features.

Fiasco #3

If you’re not prepared, then you’d regret.

One of the most important aspects of field service management industry is inventory and stock control. Arming your field force with the right set of equipment is more than necessary. If the service technicians do not have the required tools and stock of repair parts, they certainly cannot accomplish their job. It will also annoy the customer to see the unfinished job due to unavailability of the tools. Moreover, it would add insult to the injury by disturbing the worker schedule as that particular job would have to be carried out again the next day.

Fix #3

Keep a check on the use of spare parts, availability, missing stock, and encourage your workforce to update the stock right through their app which is centrally synchronised with the service desk. Maintaining accurate inventory is possible with a holistic field service platform.

Fiasco #4

Jammed to the old ways, you’d waste efforts and days.

We have observed many companies still being hooked to the conventional paper tickets, Excel or Quick books to manage schedule and tasks. Remember that old is not always gold! We are in the 21st century where running around in circles is not worth it. There is no wisdom in using these old methods for reporting and balancing the work manually. The new-age applications promise to reduce the cumbersome workload. It shifts the employee focus to business-oriented tasks for high efficiency.

Fix #4

Transiting to advanced cloud-based solutions with automated workflows is very vital to the success of the field service management industry. It requires no extra infrastructure budget and promotes effortless administration. These apps free up employee time with the use of automation, auto-routing, smart scheduling, SLA management, etc.

Fiasco #5

Lack of communication, loss of revenuegeneration.

Effective communication is inevitable. Field service success relies on the use of communication channels and proper coordination. To retain customers and expect repeated business, keep them informed. Provide them with all the conveniences to connect with your team. On the other side, it is significant to balance communication of field employees and back-office executives. Synchronising updates and data helps to get better insights of the work. It also assists in future decision-making to boost revenues.

Fix #5

A single source of truth in the form of software and mobile apps is useful to connect, collaborate and collect information. Self-service applications for customers and mobile working greatly simplify the communication and generate custom reports for future analysis.

Get Off The Ground!

As quoted in the TechnologyAdvice Field Service Study, 79.8% customers were positive about the technician being able to address their needs or deliver the expected services in a single visit.

And this has a tremendous influence in creating a niche in the market. Such customers will tend to recommend these quick and perfect services to their peers.

The conclusion is crystal clear- embrace the change and transform the processes. Instead of regretting on and paying a price for your previous mistakes, commit to learn from them and optimise your service delivery with the help of all-inclusive field service software. Empower your field workforce with smart solutions, training and techniques. For more tips and latest field service management industry updates, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Make your move now!

iTouchVision is one of the world’s leading cloud-based service providers with innovation & excellence at its base. The company has made its presence in all business verticals with its technical & operational capabilities to enhance the working of private & public sector organisations. Our products, ranging from Web-based software to Mobile applications have made their mark globally to transform the way work is completed.