What are the best ways to ensure high mobile workforce productivity?

7 ideas to simplify managing mobile workforce by making it an easier and quicker process!

The trends of globalisation and use of smartphone apps have accelerated the mobile working culture. According to the reports, BYOD and enterprise mobility market size is expected to grow to USD 73.30 Billion by 2021. While this technological boom is quite beneficial for SMEs, it also throws some major obstacles in managing mobile workforce. The secret to success is balancing the challenges and acquiring the benefits.

The mobile employees are disconnected from the office. They go around the places to fulfil customer requests at different locations, accomplishing field sales, logistics, service contracts, domiciliary care, maintenance and repairs or inspections, etc. exhibit a dissimilar behaviour as compared to their desk counterparts. Managing mobile workforce requires more comprehensive managerial skills and tools. If you wish to learn about how automation can be a boon to streamline the operations, register for the webinar by service transformation expert Mark Eves.

Citrix concludes in its report that 61% of workers report working outside the office at least a part of the time in their routine. To manage such employees, the manager needs to inculcate a self-service delivery model. Just like your customers, your workforce also deserves the ease of access to communicate their work details and submit their task reports. We have quoted 7 quick tips to make things simpler for the organisation while managing mobile workforce-


Know the Differences and Similarities

The mobile working staff is not chained to their desks. However, it doesn’t mean they don’t require any monitoring. A successful supervisor needs to understand the similarities and differences between the desk and field employees. Allow a degree of flexibility to your mobile workforce. Unlike the desk staff, it takes a wider view to manage your mobile workforce that requires patience and a level of consideration. 


Quit the Old Ways

‘Digital’ is the era and ‘Mobile’ is the approach! Cut to the chase with mobile workforce apps than holding on to the conventional methods. The paper-based methods to keep records, or the tedious spreadsheets or common chat apps are really not effective in the modern times. A business cannot afford to lag behind in the competition by investing time and efforts in these outdated ways to keep a watch on off-site employees!


Take the ‘Tech’ Support

A manager can confidently swear by to the use of Cloud technology. Workforce management is hugely simplified with the use of scalable cloud solutions. It costs no extra to get started with the cloud. The administration requirements are fulfilled in the terms of information sharing, security, availability and accessibility. Cloud-based software and apps make the game strong for an organisation by optimising operational efficiency and job execution.


Collaborate for a Connected Environment

Mobile workforce is disjointed from your actual office premises. This reduces the chances to form a cordial bond with them. But the key to extracting maximum performance is to be on the same page with them. Encourage sharing ideas, utilise proper tools and enterprise apps and provide them with a platform to collaborate effectively. Modern working solutions allow the field staff, back-office executives and managers to coordinate in real-time.


Forget the Micro-Management Techniques

One of the essential points to remember while managing mobile workforce is to move over the command-and-control culture. Engaging employees to share their work updates, report issues and ask queries is well achieved with the apps like Mobile Worker. Such bespoke applications are dedicated to remote or field employees to enable complete tracking and visibility. In the nutshell, you don’t need to keep nagging and chasing them to know their work!  


Evaluate and Evolve

We agree that managing mobile workforce can be quite stressful. But, an organisation needs to evolve. And evolve based on the evaluation of your employees’ performance. Rely on the apps to read between the lines; keep an eye on their problems, inefficiencies and communication gaps. Consider adopting a single integrated solution that supports all mobile working operations instead of multiple apps for different purposes.


Set Goals and Examples

Be a transformation leader for your field employees. The job is not just limited to managing them. Rather it is about leading by example. Set and communicate your goals clearly, establish deliverables and suggest actions, and propagate a proper work and personal life balance. Motivate your mobile workforce with comprehensive and considerate policies. Trust them and emphasise on teamwork and productivity.

Sometimes the biggest gain in productive energy will come from cleaning the cobwebs, dealing with old business, and clearing the desk—cutting loose debris that’s impeding forward motion.

– David Allen

Implementing holistic mobile working solutions with an open mindset is a mandate for the organisations. Previously, enterprise mobility was an add-on concept or an exceptional factor. Now it is a must-have factor for service enterprises to maintain their customer base. We’d be happy to help you organise your workforce with the simplest unified platform and create a niche with the best outcome. Consult our digital workforce consultants for more information. Also, don’t forget to meet us at the Field Service Management Expo 2017!

Make your move now!

iTouchVision is one of the world’s leading cloud-based service providers with innovation & excellence at its base. The company has made its presence in all business verticals with its technical & operational capabilities to enhance the working of private & public sector organisations. Our products, ranging from Web-based software to Mobile applications have made their mark globally to transform the way work is completed.