CleverTap’s Startup Innovator Series features

Mark Eves from iTouchVision

It is always an awesome feeling to share your success, what you do, how you do and how it feels; with the world. iTouchVision’s CEO, Mark Eves, has been recently featured in CleverTap’s Startup Innovator Series sharing his journey with the company. In his interview with Kara Dake, Product Evangelist with CleverTap, all the aspects of iTouchVision, from how it started to how it went on to become one of the largest cloud service providers with simple ideology have been covered.

Some excerpts from the interview for our readers:

On being asked about what iTouchVision is?

iTouchVision is a cloud-based support and service platform meant for the end-user to connect to their organisation. We are the best cloud service providers giving a platform to the organisation to manage their customers (citizens, residents, field workers or employees) when they want to engage with them in a smooth and well-defined manner.

One of our key offerings has been for the public sector and local governments globally, making us one of the Largest Government suppliers of Mobile Applications. Having over 78000 municipalities and council organisations using our applications across the nations like UK, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and UAE clearly indicates their preference for iTouchVision.”

On being asked to whom iTouchVision is targeting to as their customers?

“On a broader sense, there are two types of customers for us. First, the organisation people who want apps or software for their citizens, residents, field service employees or end-users to be able to connect to them, request for a service, report problems, pay for services, update their work status or get some information. On the other side are the consumers who wish to have quick, clean and simple-to-use products to log in and request for the services from the concerned providers or the field workers who communicate with the back-office team whilst on their work from different locations.”

About availability of iTouchVision’s applications on different platforms?

“iTouchVision’s suite has all its mobile applications being available across Windows, iOS, Android and Apple TV. We always believe in being up-to-date and have got around 40+ apps on Apple TV to be accessed by all the end-users. Also, being one of the high-end cloud service providers, the company is looking forward to launching the applications on Chromecast and other app platforms for ease of access.”

On being asked about how does iTouchVision track user behaviour?

“Most of the modules developed by iTouchVision are custom, so as per the requirement of the client comes in, we can easily fit into it and deliver the product accordingly. Depending upon who is using the application, the number of people, who is clicking what options, we accommodate the requirements and plugins. Whether it is MobileWorker for field service employees or Case Management for HR, Contact Centre or Service desk for office or customer facing applications, we have proper systems in place to track the requirements.”

What about the metric of success for the applications?

“On seeing the number of users downloading our applications, one can easily determine the organisation’s efforts to promote it well. Next point is to engage with them with proper content and interface. The current suite of applications can be used for two basic purpose- to get all the information like history, opening/closing time, availability, events, offers, etc which is content driven. The other purpose is to report something, pay bills or request for a service at their place. It includes a lot of reminders, alerts, emails or messages to notify the customers of their orders or status of the requests.”

Watch the tips given by Mark Eves to develop successful mobile applications. Here’s the full interview-

It is a moment of proud for us to exclaim the success of our technological voyage with the figures speaking of our customers’ trust on us. Get more updates on what happens at one of the leaders of cloud service providers- iTouchVision on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

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iTouchVision is one of the world's leading cloud-based service provider with innovation & excellence at its base. The company has made its presence in all business verticals with its technical & operational capabilities to enhance the working of private & public sector organisations. Our products, ranging from Web-based software to Mobile applications have made their mark globally to transform the way work is completed.