Why should you bin your existing waste management solution?

5 reasons to discard the old legacy systems!

We all have heard the famous saying – Old is Gold! It may be true in many aspects but not when it comes to technology. If you rely on the outdated techniques, the business will not flourish in the desired way. Being in the ‘waste’ industry, you’d not like your efforts, money and time to be wasted. Because you know the value of the waste!

In one of our recent webinars, we got a chance to interact with the corporate executives from waste management industry. It helped us to understand their pain points and guide them ahead. A few of them were still using spreadsheets. Many of them had the on-premise or hosted systems in use. And some of the companies have been able to take the benefit of the modern cloud waste management software. Based on that, we have summarised five major points that are lacking in the existing systems. These reasons are the best motivational factors to begin thinking new!

Lack of Workforce Visibility

Managing the moving waste crew is a challenging job. It is necessary to ensure smart scheduling as per their availability and location. The old legacy systems fail to do so! It doesn’t allow real-time monitoring of the mobile waste collection workforce. You have to manually allocate the waste collection work-orders in a random manner. It causes inefficient work as the fleet may have to spend a lot of time in travelling and doing laborious entries of their updates.

Lack of Data-Driven Decisions

There is no point in storing piles of files. It takes up unnecessary storage either on your computer systems (in the case of simple record-keeping files or spreadsheets) or your office area (in the case of physical paper notes). And they won’t fetch you anything. It’s a total waste to gather such unused information for the waste industry. Whereas, the information is very useful to determine future decisions and design tentative schedules if utilised, managed and stored properly with the cloud waste management software. 

Lack of Resource Utilisation

The waste management industry focuses on balancing the use of resources. With the conventional systems, an organisation cannot guarantee if things are utilised in an optimal way. They are highly resource-intensive and limit the operational efficiency. There is no tracking of the inventory, fleet, mobile crew time, assets, equipment, fuel costs and back-office administration efforts. Guesswork rules or rather ruins the business.

Lack of Collection Management

The key to increasing worker productivity is to streamline the waste collection process. With the restricted functionalities of the legacy systems, it is not possible to categorise and manage different waste profiles. There is no scope of tracking the accumulation points and collection containers. Scheduling regular collection tasks are easy but assigning ad-hoc requests creates a big mess. There is no provision to analyse waste volumes and trends.

Lack of Mobility

The worst part of using the hosted systems is the missing mobility. It means you can only work when you have the access to the specific system in the office. In the world of smartphones, this is a big setback. The lack of mobility reduces overall working ability and performance. The old techniques to handle waste administration are not mobile-enabled. They are device-dependent. It causes a huge loss by limiting work flexibility, scalability and increasing operational costs.

What is the ideal way to give a makeover to your waste management processes?

The answer is simple and clear – Switch to Cloud! It is no more new but normal to embrace this digital transformation. The cloud-based waste management software includes mobile working apps to simplify real-time reporting of the crew, service desk scheduling to streamline collection requests and container management and self-service reporting apps for the customer to communicate and request services.

These solutions don’t burn a hole in the pocket. Since they run on any platform, they don’t need any special infrastructure. A complete centralised management of all activities is possible using the cloud technology.

Our team of experts has worked within the waste management industry since years. If you have got doubts on the selection and implementation of modern waste management software solutions, then reach us for a live online demo. Keep following us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more updates.

Make your move now!

iTouchVision is one of the world’s leading cloud-based service providers with innovation & excellence at its base. The company has made its presence in all business verticals with its technical & operational capabilities to enhance the working of private & public sector organisations. Our products, ranging from Web-based software to Mobile applications have made their mark globally to transform the way work is completed.