What can help to transform the work life of
a Facility Manager?

A software dedicated to increasing the work efficiency. Helping the facility manager to be action-oriented and handle every aspect of facility management.

Facility Manager is a profile that includes many duties involving staff, authorities and their assets or facilities as products. Facilities management is an area which is not just limited to on-premise work. It extends to include site visits, field labour, and integration of records and reports from different sources. It does sound some a rigorous set of tasks and skilful management, right?

Global Industries Analytics Report indicates that facilities management

industry is one of the fastest growing industries, with

 expected growth to reach $394.69 billion by 2017.

The main purpose of carrying out all responsibilities of being an asset manager or facility manager is to get greatest performance or value from the property, service or equipment throughout its lifecycle. We are in an era where technology has proved its benefits in all walks of life. Similarly, facilities management has also transformed with Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) in use.

Curious to know how it can give a digital makeover to your working? Read below:

Facilities Management software features are not just limited to these points, but there is a lot more to explore as you sign up for a demo. Help us to help you with a software solution to manage the facilities and assets with our modules like Master Data Management, Service Desk, and MobileWorker and simplify your business. Get in touch with our professionals here, or meet us socially on Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, and Linkedin.

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iTouchVision is one of the world's leading cloud-based service provider with innovation & excellence at its base. The company has made its presence in all business verticals with its technical & operational capabilities to enhance the working of private & public sector organisations. Our products, ranging from Web-based software to Mobile applications have made their mark globally to transform the way work is completed.